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VLOGA ZA ŠTIPENDIJO Bilateralne štipendije za študijsko leto 2024/2025





Prijavnico je potrebno izpolniti na računalnik ali s pisalnim strojem. Izpolnjena naj bodo vsa zahtevana polja. Prijavnica brez vseh zahtevanih prilog bo zavrnjena kot neveljavna.


The application should be typewritten and all fields need to be filled-in. The application without all the annexes required will be considered as ineligible.



  1. Prijavnica z vsemi prilogami in fotokopijami v enem papirnatem izvodu: 1 original,
  2. originalno “Potrdilo slovenske visokošolske institucije o sprejemu študenta na izmenjavo” (podpisano in žigosano s strani gostiteljske visokošolske institucije),
  3. fotokopijo osebne izkaznice ali potnega lista (stran s fotografijo),
  4. eno priporočilo s strani domače institucije v primeru izmenjave za študij in dve priporočili v primeru izmenjave z namenom raziskovanja na doktorski stopnji
  5. fotokopijo diplome oz. certificiran prepis/izpis ocen.
  • Prijavno dokumentacijo mora prijavitelj poslati na naslov ustreznega nacionalnega organa.
  • Vlogo nacionalnega organa opravlja bodisi ministrstvo za izobraževanje oziroma šolstvo bodisi ustrezna za to pooblaščena nacionalna agencija v prijaviteljevi domači državi.
  • Glede rokov za pošiljanje prijavne dokumentacije, naslova za pošiljanje in morebitnih dodatnih prilog naj se prijavitelji obrnejo neposredno na za to določeni nacionalni organ v svoji državi.

  1. The application form in 1 paper copy incl. all anexes and copies: 1 original
  2. Original of the Letter of Acceptance
  3. a photocopy of ID card or passport (page with the photography),
  4. one  Letter of recommendation for study stays and two Letters of recommendation for research stay from applicant’s home institution,
  5. photocopy of diploma and/or certified transcript(s) of records.
  • Applicants must sent the application package to the competent authority in their home country.
  • Competent authorities are either ministries responsible for (higher) education or/and respective agencies designated as such by the ministry in the applicant’s home country.
  • Applicants are recommended to contact competent authority in their home country for the exact deadline, address for sending the application to and additional annexes.

Printed and signed version of this application form is still essential. So please print filled in form, sign it and together with all the annexes send it to your national authority.

National authorities are either ministries responsible for (higher) education or/and respective agencies designated as such by the ministry in your home country.

It is recommended to contact competent national authority in your home country for the exact deadline and address where the application form and additional annexes should be sent to.


a) Osebni podatki študenta – prijavitelja / Student’s - applicant’s personal data
(This question is mandatory)
Ime in priimek / First (Middle) Name and Last Name
(This question is mandatory)
(This question is mandatory)
(This question is mandatory)
Datum rojstva/Date of Birth
(This question is mandatory)
Kraj rojstva/Place of Birth
(This question is mandatory)
Številka osebne izkaznice ali  potnega lista/ ID or Passport Number:
Prijaviteljeva novejša fotografija/Applicant’s Recent photo:
b) Kontaktni podatki / Contact details
(This question is mandatory)
Prijaviteljev stalni naslov/ Applicant’s Permanent Address
(This question is mandatory)
Telefonska številka (s kodo države) / Telephone number (incl. country code)
(This question is mandatory)
Elektronski naslov (DELUJOČ!) / E-mail address (ACTIVE!):
(This question is mandatory)
Kontakt v nujnem primeru (telefonska številka s kodo države) / Contact in case of emergency (telephone number incl. country code)
Kontaktni naslov (če je drugačen od stalnega) / Contact address (to fill in only if different from the permanent address)
c) Informacije o študiju / Information on Studies :
(This question is mandatory)
Trenutna študijska stopnja prijavitelja / Applicant’s current study level
(This question is mandatory)
Podatki o domači visokošolski instituciji/ Home Higher Education Institution Data
(This question is mandatory)
Trenutno sem vpisan na visokošolsko institucijo/ Currently I am enrolled at the higher education institution
Če ne, prosim pojasnite svojo pozicijo / If No, please explain your position
(This question is mandatory)
Želeno trajanje štipendije za katero zaprošate (št. mesecev) / Foreseen length of the scholarship (in months)
(This question is mandatory)
Želeni datum začetka izmenjave v Sloveniji / Foreseen starting date of the exchange studies in Slovenia
(This question is mandatory)
Podatki o visokošolski instituciji gostiteljici v Sloveniji / Slovenian Higher Education Host Institution Data
(This question is mandatory)
Želite namestitev v študentskem domu?  / Do you wish accommodation in the student dormitory?
Če NE, napišite naslov, kjer boste nastanjeni v času študija v Sloveniji. / If »NO« to the previous question put in the  address of your stay in Slovenia.
(This question is mandatory)
V tem času bom prejemal tudi druge štipendije. / During my exchange in Slovenia I will receive other scholarship(s) & grants.
(This question is mandatory)
Katere druge štipendije / Which other scholarship(s) & grants
d) Kratko motivacijsko besedilo / Short motivation text
(This question is mandatory)

Kratko motivacijsko besedilo (Zakaj želite na študijsko izmenjavo v Slovenijo – študijski program, raziskava itd.?) / Short motivation text (Why do you want to come to Slovenia as an exchange student – study courses, research etc.?)


Izjavljam, da so podatki in izjave navedeni v prijavnici resnični. Seznanjen/a sem z dejstvom, da se lahko na podlagi te prijave dodeljena štipendija ukine, če je katerakoli izjava v tej prijavi neresnična.


I have been informed of the terms of the scholarship.
I the undersigned, certify that all the information given in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. The undersigned, understand that in case of misleading or false information the scholarship awarded on the basis of the information in this  application form could be cancelled at any time.



Varstvo osebnih podatkov je seznanitev posameznikov, ki sodelujejo s Centrom RS za mobilnost in evropske programe izobraževanja in usposabljanja o namenih in pravnih podlagah obdelave osebnih podatkov.

Namen in podlaga obdelave je izvajanje pogodbe o štipendiranju, katere pogodbena stranka je posameznik, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki oziroma za izvajanje ukrepov na zahtevo takega posameznika pred sklenitvijo pogodbe o štipendiranju. Poleg Centra RS za mobilnost in evropske programe izobraževanja in usposabljanja bo s podatki upravljal tudi študentski dom ter izbrana fakulteta.

Osebne podatke bomo hranili za čas pogodbenega odnosa in še 5 let po njenem prenehanju.



The protection of personal data is the familiarization of individuals who cooperate with the Center for Mobility of the Republic of Slovenia and European education and training programs about the purposes and legal bases of the processing of personal data.

The purpose and basis of the processing is the implementation of the scholarship contract, the contractual party of which is the individual to whom the personal data relates, or for the implementation of measures at the request of such an individual before the conclusion of the scholarship contract. In addition to the Center for Mobility of the Republic of Slovenia and European education and training programs, the data will also be managed by the student dormitory and the selected faculty.

We will keep personal data for the duration of the contractual relationship and for another 5 years after its termination.


(This question is mandatory)
Datum in kraj / Date and place:


Podpis vlagatelja / Signature of the Applicant: _____________________________________