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STUDY IN SLOVENIA – presentations / ŠTUDIJ V SLOVENIJI – predstavitve :

You are welcome to join us at the interactive info day STUDY IN SLOVENIA which will be held in February 2025.
The online info days will give you the opportunity to obtain useful first-hand information about studying and living in Slovenia.
You will also have the opportunity to meet the representatives of the University of Ljubljana (UL), the University of Maribor (UM), the University of Nova Gorica (UNG) and the University of Primorska (UP), the University of Novo mesto (UNM) and New University.
The presentations will be held in the Slovenian, English and Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian language. If you wish to attend the online presentation, please register by completing this form. You will receive a link to online presentation to your e-mail address one day before the presentation.

We look forward to meeting you and greet you kindly, Study in Slovenia team


Vabimo vas, da se nam v februarju 2025 pridružite na spletnih predstavitvah študija v Sloveniji.

V okviru predstavitev vam bomo predstavili uporabne informacije glede študija in življenja v Sloveniji.
Prav tako boste imeli priložnost, da se preko spleta srečate s predstavniki Univerze v Ljubljani (UL), Univerze v Mariboru (UM), Univerze na Primorskem (UP), Univerze v Novi Gorici (UNG), Univerze v Novem mestu (UNM) in Nove univerze.
Predstavitve bomo izvedli v slovenskem, angleškem in srbskem / hrvaškem/bosanskem jeziku. V kolikor se želite udeležiti spletne predstavitve, vas prosimo, da izpolnite spodnji obrazec. Povezavo za spremljanje predstavitve boste prejeli na e-naslov, ki ga boste navedli ob prijavi, en dan pred predstavitvijo.

Vljudno vabljeni. Ekipa Study in Slovenia


(This question is mandatory)

Presentation (Predstavitev):

(This question is mandatory)

First and Last Name (ime in priimek):

(This question is mandatory)

E-mail (e-naslov):

(This question is mandatory)

Country you come from (država, iz katere prihajate):

(This question is mandatory)

You are interested in… (zanima vas...):

(This question is mandatory)

Where would you like to study? (Na kateri univerzi bi želeli študirati?):

(This question is mandatory)

Where did you find out about these presentations (Kje ste izvedeli za naše spletne predstavitve)?:

To allow us the best possible preparation, we kindly ask you to let us know if you are interested in any specific study programme and/or have any specific question. (Za lažjo pripravo predstavitve, nam prosim sporočite morebitna vprašanja.)
(This question is mandatory)
By registering for the event, you agree to the use of photos / videos for posts on social networks and the organizer's website.
(This question is mandatory)

I agree to the use and processing of my personal data for sending information about the event and study possibilities in Slovenia. (Strinjam se z uporabo in obdelavo mojih podatkov za pošiljanje informacij o dogodku in možnostih študija v Sloveniji.)